What is a developer account?

To launch an App in either Apple or Android stores you first need an approved App developer account. This is a full developer account (not an itunes account) and is something that you have to apply for, pay for and renew.

You can set one up using the links below:

https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/ (iOS)

https://play.google.com/apps/publish/signup/ (Android)

Important! Please read carefully

If you request that an App we have built is placed on a developer store you control then you are responsible for that entire account.

We accept no responsibility for the account, renewal, management or agreements associated with having your own account.

We will take responsibility for ensuring that the App code remains technically up to date with the latest operating systems.

Are there benefits to using our own developer account

There is one benefit to customers launching an App on their own account.

If the end user clicks on the App store ‘more from this developer’ instead of seeing other Apps by MyFirmsApp they will not see anything, unless of course you have launched multiple Apps in whichcase they will see other Apps launched via your store.

Is it something we recommend?

It is not something we generally recommend, that’s because of 3 factors:

1. The perceived benefit is in our professional view very minimal, end users seeing other Apps we have developed has not yet resulted in a single negative comment despite over 16,000 end users.

The management time involved in creating and managing multiple developer accounts is not to be underestimated.

3. There is additional cost associated to placing your App on a separate developer account of £400 + VAT