
The perfect App
for smaller businesses


per month + VAT


Mid-tier App
for those in finance


per month + VAT


Advanced finance App
for maximum engagement


per month + VAT

Silver Gold Platinum
Customised App icon design
Customised Splashpage design
Customised Homepage design
Advanced Homepage branding
Extended 'In App' design
Calculators (click the number to view the calculators) 8 12 16
Tax Tables
Important Tax Dates
Review App Feature (get end user reviews with ease)
Precious Metals Tracker (tracking the latest metal prices in real time)
Latest Financial News (updated by us automatically)
Share and Fund Prices
Pages you control 5 20 40
Meet the Team and Staff Bios 10 20 40
Multiple Addresses and Sites up to 3 locations up to 10 locations
Arrange to Meet
Income, Expenses & Mileage
Receipt Manager with optional Receipt Bank Integration
Mileage Tracker (iOS only)
Income Tracker
Optional Receipt Bank Integration
Bespoke Icons and links to your systems Xero, Kashflow, IRIS, FreeAgent, Sage, BTC etc.
Bespoke icons to other 3rd party sites such as Dropbox, Secure Doc Exchange, Hosted Exchange etc.
Social Media Integration
Skype Integration
Real time integration with your blog
Communication & Tracking
Send Messages (Push)
Message scheduler (set a series of messages to App users into the automated push system)
Monthly reporting and tracking of downloads
User download figues on request
All financial and technical updates
Marketing and Promotion
Intelligent QR code
LinkedIn Promotion
Smartphone Detection for Website
Email templates
Letter templates
Website copy & SEO
Blog articles
Push Notifications
4 Marketing Videos

One Off Design Fee

Your App will look and feel like your own creation. To achieve this and the enhanced and extended design Platinum App customers benefit from you are provided with a dedicated, named senior designer. They will have a minimum of 10 years experience working with accounting firms and have designed in excess of 350 Apps.

Work closely with you, your team

This ensures that your design is customised, distinctively your own but also ensures the process is simple, easy and painless. Knowing that all we need from you is your logo, a link to your website and some basic company information.

The design charge is a one off fee of £229 payable up front.

*If at any point you ask us to re-design your App the market fee at that time will be payable.