Push Notification Messaging

Communicate with all your App users in seconds using Push Notifications

What is Push?

Push Notifications are permission-based messages that you can send to your App users. Unlike an email, a Push Notification puts your message front-and-centre on their smartphone or tablet screen. This boosts your App engagement significantly and gives your firm an exciting and powerful new communication tool.


You can compose a Push Notification message using your secure login. It’s as simple as writing a text. Typically, Push Notifications are short messages which contain information your users will find valuable.

Schedule or Send now

Smart customisation options let you choose the right time to send your Push Notifications and schedule them in advance. You can create promotions, offers, service updates and marketing campaigns, and share your recent news or blog articles in seconds.

Some of our IFA clients use the feature to send ‘Wealth Alerts’ out to their App users; solicitors and legal firms to share important or relevant legal news or legislative changes. Accountants send reminders, chase returns, share key dates and release pertinent budget info all via


Once you start using Push Notification messages you can enjoy high if not staggering ‘open’ rates. Push Notifications deliver the message to the device your users have with them almost all the time, without getting stuck in an email queue or junk folder!