Thanks for requesting your Discovery call

We do thousands of these calls, and the demand for the solution you are about to see on your call has never been higher. As we operate 24 hours a day, around the clock scores of firms around the globe are on boarding every single day. Your call is incredibly important to us, and despite doing so many every single one is genuinely different. Your firm and your circumstances will be unique, what you want your custom App to achieve for your firm will be unique and the solution we develop for you will be totally unique.

To help you get the most out of your call please take a moment to answer the questions below:

Qualifying Questions


How many Partners in your firm?

How many Employees currently work within your firm?

Can you give a rough indication of how many clients you have?

Do you have any Accounting/ Practice management/ Customer management/ Email marketing/ Secure Document Exchange software in place?

We have five different packages available which you can see here. If the app was something you decided you wanted to pursue, which version would be most suitable for your firm?

How quickly would you be looking at implementing the software into your place of work?