Thousands attended Accountex over the last 2 days, but if you missed it or couldn’t get into one of the Insight workshops don’t worry.

Here is your opportunity to hear the top 3 sessions, on video, without charge, enjoy!

16 great ways to
generate referrals

What if you don’t
launch your own App?

Modern ways to
Grow Your Firm’

Listen to these 3 new videos and you’ll discover:

  • Proven, modern, reliable ways to grow your firm
  • The latest thinking around referral generation and 16 ways you can generate a regular flow of referral opportunities
  • How to develop an inbound marketing campaign, attracting buyers without having to sell your services ever again
  • What will happen ‘if’ you choose not to launch your own accountancy App
  • How to profit from the great mobile opportunities on Google


Categories: Accountex, Apps, Blog