
Next Monday 14th December I will personally be presenting this unique webinar to help accountancy firms and bookkeepers grow their businesses in 2016.

Attracting and winning new clients can be a recurring challenge for some accountants. How should you go about winning quality customers, of the right type and in volumes you can manage?

This webinar will take a look beyond traditional marketing techniques and examine how your firm can attract enquiries from those who want to buy, without you having to ‘sell’ to them.

Attend and you’ll discover the top 6 ways to market and grow you firm whilst developing an inbound marketing model.


Attend and find out how to:

  • Attract and Develop quality new clients
  • Develop an inbound model attracting customers without selling
  • Ensure your website generates enquiries
  • Avoid starting from ‘cold’ when finding new clients
  • Embrace the very latest technology that’s working for other firms
  • Supercharge referral generation
  • Take the worry, stress and pressure out of practice growth

Running Monday 14th December 12:30 – 1:15



Categories: Blog, Webinar

Daniel Richards

Daniel Richards |

Daniel is Head of Sales and a member of the executive team at MyFirmsApp – the global leader in Apps for Accountants and Bookkeepers.

He is passionate about helping firms maintain a key role in the always-on App environment which plays such an important part in our daily lives. He is particularly keen to raise awareness of the threats posed to accountants and bookkeepers by 3rd parties and even Government. Without a firms’ own App, it really has no way to serve within, benefit from or control the environment where so many clients and prospects now spend their time each day.

Daniel has been involved in helping professional service firms grow and make the most of new techniques, strategies and technology for over 17 years. He is considered to be a thought-leader, is a renowned speaker, and is the go-to-guy for firms and professional bodies when it comes to Apps for accountancy firms.

He has hundreds of testimonials from large and small firms alike, has presented to thousands of firms through the MyFirmsApp and Insight webinars, and regularly speaks for the professional bodies and membership organisations.

Outside work: In his early days Daniel spent most of his time mountaineering and was fortunate enough to undertake expeditions in places such as The Himalayas, Alps, Alaska, Papua New Guinea, Norway and others. Now he enjoys the outdoors as much as possible with his family and friends as well as being active in the leadership of a local church.